I remain envious for not having lived during their prominance at the Pass. Herein you will find those who I consider to be the great families that contributed to this City/Village in causing it to prosper in uniquiness by their major contributions or by having created the early homes that make Pass Christian a singlemost preservation heritage district in the South.
Not to shadow Vicksburg and Natchez for their antebellum glory, those cities along the Mississippi River also played a part in historical, economic and residential development.
Vicksburg was founded in 1811 and incorporated in1825, to grow as a center for commerce, agriculture and river traffic.
Natchez, before the American Civil War, was founded in 1716, to evolve as the residential capital for the richest planters of the Cotton Kingdom, a vast area that stretched across the American South but centered its production on the rich flatlands of the lower Mississippi River.
Including New Orleans, both Vicksburg and Natchez contributed to tourism and dual residences that appeared along the Mississippi Gulf Coast --- in particular at Pass Christian.
And Pass Christian remains exclusively unique of all.
Join me in profiling some of the family groups that compelled the rich history of Pass Christian. Email your information for additions or corrections.